Within minutes of the New Year’s New Orlean’s terrorist attack that killed 14 innocent people and seriously injured over 30 more, the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s New Orlean’s Field Office told reporters, “This is not a terrorist event”.
Minutes after her statement, and with overwhelming evidence to the contrary; the driver was flying an Isis flag on his vehicle just to name one fact, FBI Headquarters had to admit publicly, “This was a terrorist attack”.
How far down the politically correct Liberal/Progressive rabbit hole we are is never more evident than how the elites in this Country want us to view Islam.
There was a time in our history, not that long ago, when rational Americans understood that while every German was not a Nazi, every Japanese not a fanatic, every Italian not a Fascist, nor every Russian a Communist, that by silently standing by while the animals in human skin committed atrocities in the name of their country, they shared some collective guilt.
But what was once universally accepted, even by the Left especially if it pertained to acts committed by America, that nations are responsible for the actions of their leaders, the Left has decided to give Islam and Muslims a pass.
We are told repeatedly that Islamic terrorists don’t really represent Islam.
If this were true, and I don’t believe it to be, where is the outcry from the Islamic world?
Where is the universal, or at minimum a significant, condemnation for the acts of the jihadists they say their religion opposes?
Instead of soul searching we are witness to mass celebrations and dancing in the streets in the aftermath of a terrorist event.
Are they intimidated by the radicals?
Even though by some estimates there are 300 million radical jihadists, there are approximately 1.8 billion Muslims, so intimidation seems unlikely.
No, I believe it to be something deeper, infinitely more basic to Islam.
Islam is a religion where the concept of predestination, the idea that Allah already knows the outcome of any event, which cannot occur without His express approval is intrinsic to the faith.
In other words the game is rigged and if anything happens, Inshallah, God wills it.
This belief that nothing happens that is not the will of Allah allows Islamic terrorists to rationalize and justify their terrible crimes because if it happens Allah must have approved.
This makes Islam a religion of nihilism and despair, and Mohammed a religious hard determinist.
All of these combine to absolve the individual believer from personal responsibility for their actions.
Conversely, personal responsibility and free agency is at the heart of Judaism and Christianity.
The punishment for the Christian or Jew who murders innocents is eternal damnation, while for the Muslim who commits the same crime, Paradise.
This is why there is no outcry from the Muslim world.
While the terrorist may cause the Islamic world some temporary political discomfort, theologically they’re on the same page of the same book.
A harsh reality, despite what the Left says, but one we must understand and accept if we’re going to live in the same world with them and survive.
Contrary to the claim that Muslims remain silent after terrorist attacks, there are numerous examples of Muslim leaders, scholars, and organizations worldwide condemning terrorism and extremism. Groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and statements from Al-Azhar University (a leading Sunni institution) often speak out against such acts. Many Muslim-majority nations have also actively combated terrorism within their borders, which undermines the notion that they condone these actions.
The description of Islam as a religion of “nihilism and despair” misrepresents core Islamic teachings. While predestination (Qadr) is a part of Islamic belief, this does not negate human free will or accountability for actions. Islam teaches personal responsibility and condemns the killing of innocents, as stated in Quran 5:32: “Whoever kills a person [unjustly]… it is as if he has killed all of humanity.”